Tuesday, March 30, 2010

For Today

Outside my window...it's sunny, but cold. (my window is dirty, think I'll go wash it)
I am thinking...when am I ever going to be finished cleaning.
I am thankful for...to have slept in a little today.
From the learning rooms...(if this applies)
From the kitchen...veal cutlets with mixed vegetables
I am wearing...my pjs.
I am creating...a mess at the moment, just sorting through some candles.
I am going...to return my library books
I am reading...my Canadian Scrapbooker
I am hoping...it gets warm enough for me to straighten my garden hose.
I am hearing...my cat complaining about the window being closed.
Around the house...I need to desperately hang some art on the walls.
One of my favorite things...that first cup of coffee
A few plans for the rest of the week:paint, visit my mom, bake a cheese cake.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...(add your picture here)

This meme is hosted by The Simple Woman's Day Book.


Sandi said...

Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog again Irene. I agree about little girl's dresses. I think they need to rethink what is being made for the wee ones. I also wondered when women quit wearing hats because I LOVE vintage hats!! HAPPY EASTER!!

Sandi said...

PS I Love this post...for today. I think we would all do better to just take one day at a time.